zondag 28 juni 2015

AMFI transit 2015

Friday, 26th of june, the graduates from AMFI had an exposition with all their projects. And it was epic. It is just art, it's AMAZING! It was a great experience and if you have the opportunity I think you should definitely go and admire all the amazing/beautiful pieces they created.
Here are some pictures so you can see what I experienced friday night.
The exposition was in another room. The things the students had created
was just amazing. It wasn't regular fashion anymore, it was ART!
After we walked through the exposition we went to the catwalk show. Here are some pictures of the clothes/outfits they made and showed us. Next year I think I am going again and if you are interested in fashion or art I think you should go to AMFI transit 2016 next year.

The amazing outfits,I just thought it was art,
was made by Abbie Stirrup. She is an amazing designer.
It's really unfortunate that I didn't met her

dinsdag 23 juni 2015

Don't you just love a good party?!

Last weekend I went with my four good friends to BEST KEPT SECRET! And it was amazing.
We only went on saturday, but I got to go the BALTHAZAR so everything was oké.
We also went to: Of monsters and men and The Vaccines. And I absolutely loved it. Going to festivals has becom one of my new addictions.

Not only the music but also the people and the festival ground is great. But whats most important is the FOOOOOODDDD, that was just awsome. I had a tortilla with grilled steak. It was jummie. 

And of course I bought some goodies at the festival:
  • An Elpee from the band BALTHAZAR.
  • A pair of TOMS shoes. I bought them for €45 and an artist drew some pictures on them. Also, when you buy a pair they give a new pair of shoes to a child in need. So that is one great deal, don't you think?
  • And of course I couldn't leave the festival without a tattoo of a colourful indian. I bought it for €3,-
I loved it all. I had an great experience at BKS. Here are, of course, the pictures of the goodies I bought, but also some pictures of the festival itself.

O my god, this was just amazing

My goodies. I don't have a picture of my new shoes
because they ar all filthy, cause I already wore them!

maandag 22 juni 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Yesterday (saturday) my lovely new friend Sarah, from sarahs--style.blogspot.nl, nominated me for 'The versatile blogger award'. So I wanted to thank Sarah for the nomination and tell all the peeps who read my blog; Go to her blog and follow it, because it is an amazing blog with great stories. I think you guys would love reading her blogposts!

Now for the rules:
1.) Thank the person(s) who gave you this award.
2.) Include a link to their blog.
3.) Select 10-15 bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly.
4.) Nominate those 10-15 blogger for this award.
5.) Tell the person(s) who nominated you, 7 things about yourself.

7 facts about me:

1. I grunt when I'm laughing.

2. I just graduated and in september I am going to start a new study.

3. Over the weekend I developed a new addiction : going to festivals. I totally love it and also I am a big music fan. This weekend I went to BEST KEPT SECRET and it was AWSOME!

4. I am a real daddy's girl, but I also can't live without my mom. I love them bot very very very much :) hihihi

5. My ambition in life is to design and make clothes for the more voluptuous men and women among us. So that's why I applied to AMFI (Amsterdam Fashion Institute). So AMFI can help me create and develope my idea.

6. I am also addicted to watching television. I can sing and talk along with every advertisement there is on the TV. 

7. You can wake me up in the middle of the night for cooked brussel sprouts with mashed potatoes, but I also love chocolate of course :)











Most of these bloggers I just discovered and I love reading their posts so you should definitely check them out!


vrijdag 19 juni 2015

H&M sale

Hello guys,

Today I went shopping with my mom. Luckely H&M has lots of items on sale, so we both bought some nice new items. I wanted to share them with you. I had to make selfies with them, so they are not great pictures. But I hope you like the items I bought :)
Sorry it isn't a very long post, but I don't think it matters hihihi :)

Most of the time I wear a jacket or a coat over my clothes.
I don't know why, but I think I wear them
to cover up. Besides that I just love them and
I wanted this jacket for a long time, so
you can imagine I was really excited this was in sale.
From €39,99 to €15,-
I nice knitted top. You can see
how happy I am with this top :)
From €14,99 to €7,-

Sorry for the hand on the picture. But I really wanted
to share this jacket/kimono with you guys. So I made
the pictures myself :)
From €19,99 to €10,-

zondag 14 juni 2015

The most important call

I am really sorry that I didn't post my results right away!
But better late then never :)

So here it goes.
I woke up really early. Not the best thing to do in my case. Untill the call I was really nervous and I just sat on the coutch and watched TV. Everybody sended me messages and was calling me. 

My class has a group chat, so when the first person said he didn't passed, I was extremely nervous. The tought that I didn't passed took over. But when people said they had passed their exams the thoughts went away.
Yet a little voice in my head said: 'What if she (my mentor) forgot to call me and I actually didn't passed?'

But that wasn't the case, I actually graduated with two sevens on my reportcard!!
I was so happy, I told everybody. First I called my parents (they had to work, so I was homealone), then I called and send messages to my friends.
So now I get the chance to start a new chapter in my life. Because after the summer vacation ends, I am a STUDENT!!!
Ojeah, I even got my own coowl flag!
Of course we had to celibrate that I passed my exams. So I invited my friends and we had a little backyard party. It was really nice, because I got spoiled with lots of presents.
From my parent I got a POLAROID. I am so happy with it, it is really coowwll!! And from my friends I got a lot of candy!! Just when I wanted to start with my diet hahahah
The crazy crew together!!

My own black POLAROID!!

donderdag 11 juni 2015


Tuesday me and my friends went to prom!
First we agreed to meet at my house so we could dress up and have a nice afternoon with the girls.
After that, a massive white limo stopped in front of our house.

Of course we had to take a lot of pictures with and without the limo:)
It was a great evening and night. The party was a great ending of my time at high school (well that is what I'm hoping, that it is the end of my time at high school. So I can start a fun new chapter in my life). I wanted to share the pictures we made at prom with you, so I hope you like it. And I also hope you like my outfit. I am wearing a long black dress, with open heels. Both are from H&M. 

Now, right at this moment, I am waiting for the phone to ring so I can find out if I passed my exam or not. I am so freeking nervous. 
But I will tell you everything when I get my results :)

Wish me luck, I will be back!!

Well, this is not the best picture.
Because this one was taken with a polaroid,
so I had to photograph the photo. hahah
But here you can see really good, what we
were all wearing and how pretty everyone looked :)
Ojeah, we had our own limo and it was AMAZING!

maandag 8 juni 2015

Dried flowers

I have to keep busy, so I decided to start a new hobby. 
I am drying flowers so I can use them as a decoration for card and on/in my notebooks.
It is really easy to do, so let me explain it to you:

The long way:

  • Choose the flower you really like, obviously :)
  • Divide the flowers, so you get a nice bunch of flowers.
  • Bind the flowers together.
  • Hang the flowers upside down and let them dry for 2-4 weeks.

The short cut:
  • Choose the flower you really like.
  • Put the flower between a folded paper.
  • Put them under some heavy books.
  • Let them dry under the books for 3-4 days.

I hope you like to dry flowers just as much as I do :)  Maybe you can share some of your dried flowers with me!
These flowers I dried myself.
I dried the flowers by following
the steps from the short cut :)

These flowers I copied from the Freepeople Blog.
Just because I really like their blog and
I liked all the flowers they dried.
I hope you don't mind that this isn't my picture :)

vrijdag 5 juni 2015

A healthy meal

I am home alone tonight, so I decided to make a healthy meal for myself.I had a couscous salad with Maroccon chicken with lemon-mintdressing and some tasty detox water.

How to make the salad

- First you need spiced couscous. You need to cook the couscous an add onions, tomato puree, olive oil, salt, regular tomatoes, spices, coriander, chilli and garlic.
- Then you need to add the marinated roasted chicken. You need chicken meat, fried red peppers, fried onions, red vinegar, spices, lemon juice, cornstarch and you have to let it marinate for an hour or four.
- After the chicken is marinated you need to roast it. After you did this you just need to add spinach, garden peas, red pepper, green onion and arugula.
- For the mint-lemondressing: you just put water, olive oil, honey, suger, lemon juice, mint, tarragon, orange juice, salt and pepper together.

The detox water
It is quite easy to make the water. You just take a glass, fill it with water and add (in my case) two strawberries and a string of mint.

I hope you enjoy the recipe just as much as I did :)

woensdag 3 juni 2015

Trip to Amsterdam

Today I went shopping in Amsterdam.
After my morning workout (I am trying to lose some weight) I got on the train and went to Amsterdam. I had to buy some fatherday gifts, but I also bought some things for myself.

But first I wanted to share my outfit from today with you. 
In the picture I am wearing my dress form Doubleagent with, ofcourse, my Levi jacket. 
It was really windy today so I had to pull my dress down every minute. But besides that I thought I looked cute. Hihihi

I am not going to tell you what I bought for fathersday, because my dad also reads this blog :)
But what I can tell you is what I bought for myself today.
I have an upcoming dance (prom), so I had to buy shoes, a clutch and etc. I certainly succeeded with the shoes and assecoires. Underneath the items I bought today, with a small description :)
In this picture I also photographed
my new bracelet that will go perfectly
with my prom dress.
I bought it at Brandymellville for €12,00

scented candle from the HEMA.
I love the smell of cedar.
Cedar is a mix between amber and musk.
You can buy it at the HEMA for €4,00

These are the shoes I'm goint to
wear with my prom dress.
I bought them at H&M for €19,99.
They are really comftorable actually. hihihi

I wanted an eye fish lens for my phone.
And now they are selling them at the HEMA
for €5,00. They are so easy to work with.
You just paste a magnet on to your phone and
the lens will stay on to the magnet, so you can take
great pictures :)