donderdag 21 mei 2015

Hippie pants

Outfit of today!
My personal opinion? Ofcourse I love it!!
Today I can finally wear my hippie pants again! I bought it at H&M. It is the most comfy pants I have ever wore. And that's why it is perfect for a damn long test I have to take later today!
The shirt I bought at Primark en often I combine this set with my Levi jacket, wich I bought at Urban Outfitters in Amsterdam (great shop by the way).

At H&M they have more of this kind of pants, but if you don't like them, I suggest you go to Brandymelville. It is a great shop and they have lots of these kind of pants. You can find them in the Leidsestraat, Amsterdam.
But Brandymelville❤️ also has an online shop, so if you don't have a store close by you can shop it online. You just need to go to : or

Lots of love

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